I help you lead the life you love, have the career you love, and be healthy AF.
I help you lead the life you love, have the career you love, and be healthy AF. •
You’re allowed to show up powerfully as who you are … (even if you’re not entirely sure who that is yet).
Here’s the thing. Life comes in iterations and you’re allowed to change. You’re also allowed to own every ounce of who you are now in your business, your relationships, your health and how you lead. You’ve just got to have the cojones to do it. Enter the cojones.

I’m Kishshana Palmer.
And before we get into the innate amount of tea I have planned for you (the spillage is real), I want to take a moment to let you know I get all of “this.”
This, being the evolution that’s been brewing inside of you. The bits and pieces of yourself that light you up and you occasionally allow to slip into how you lead, how you work, and even how you love while letting what others say you “should” be doing take center stage.
Fun fact: as long as you keep sprinkling in who you are into what you do, you’ll never be fully satisfied. Because over here, we don’t sprinkle … we season.
But here’s the thing, showing up fully with all the things that truly encapsulate you doesn’t have to be exhausting and doesn’t mean yet another item on the endless to-do list.
In fact, this is a process that means having to do less than what you’re doing now. Because that performative people pleasing, yeah…that’s the exhausting part. I’m gonna need you to stop that.
From guiding you through your next breakthrough to making your audience silently whisper “dayum”, I’m here to help you human better.

The candid. The outrageous. The real.

This is your official transit card, baby. Don't miss the K-Train.
Join my official newsletter, coming to you each week (whether you’re in the Bronx or the North Pole). This is your place, we are your people, and this train is going to keep on rolling.

Advice from a retired performer…
Advice from a retired performer… •
I’ve retired. Not from speaking, coaching, or inspiring but from performing (because performance really shouldn’t be a part of those things anyway).
I’ve retired from performing in life. And it was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. Maybe someone reading this can relate.
In my best preacher voice; I said…maybe someone READING THIS can RELATE…Amen.
Because performative has no space in the really hard things. Performative has no space in the ripple effect that real impact makes. Hell, performative has no space in calling in the kind of cash that creates trustfund babies (because I’m trying to make sure my girl has the space to be as mediocre as she pleases and still experience all that her heart desires).
And because in order to guide my clients, the audiences I speak to and those I wish to inspire, it would require “the performer” making a swift exit stage left and tattooed, multi-hyphenated entrepreneur, world traveling wealth warrior I am today taking stage instead.
“I can make it anywhere, yeah, they love me everywhere”
-The Good Reverand Jay-Z
Stop Boring the - Crap Out of Your Audience
No, really. I love me some Brene, but if one more speaker shares with me the same speech about daring vulnerability…(Insert exploding head emoji, and not in a good way).
Now, if you’re looking for a speaker that will leave your audience with actual guidance on how to make impactful change, show up as empowered leaders, and thinking “I prayed for this woman” (true story)...then we should talk.
Coaching + Programs
I don’t need you to know what any of this should look like right now. But I need you to take settling for whatever was handed to you and whatever you were told you should want off the table.
And no, taking the steps to get there doesn’t always feel like a trip to red lobster on endless shrimp night (in fact sometimes it won’t even feel like a single cheddar biscuit) but what’s waiting on the other side is that creamy poached lobster goodness you truly deserve. Garlic butter sauce and all.
Hungry? Good. Let’s make something with that hunger.